How to install clover bootloader on windows 10

 In this tutorial , i am gonna show you , How you can install clover bootloader on windows.
Guys i already upload a practical tutorial on youtube , i will provide the video link below.

What is a bootloader? When we switch on our mobile, the first RUN program is called boot loader. The boot loader loads the operating system of Android. When we switch on our mobile, the first RUN program is called boot loader.

 What is Booltoader?

Our Android mobile is made up of many small parts. There are many applications in this, here it is being talked about the application that comes from the company with mobile and the different types of software that make our phone smart, all of which make our mobile and all these apps software And all the programs offered by the company that are used to run mobile. Then it comes to what the bootloader does, then the bootloader is the program that runs first when a mobile is turned on, which runs first and finds all the files. Which is needed to run the mobile. If the bootloader does not get all that file then mobile is not on. That is the reason when we root our mobile. Then mobile sometimes gets stuck in the boot loop. Because when we root our mobile and What is Booltoader?enter another zip file or custom file, many times the mobile file rotates. Then the bootloader looks for these files and if this file is not found then the mobile is not turned on. Sometimes it goes bad for Hemsa. If the mobile has to be rooted, then the bootloader of the mobile has to be unlocked first, without unlocking the bootloader, mobile root cannot be there. But most mobile companies lock the bootloader of mobiles because no mobile company wants that all the company wants to change its program, that the customer's mibile is updated only when the company brings the update. But if we unlock the bootloader of our mobile, then we can customize our mobile according to our own. But not all mobile's bootloaders are unlocked easily, some company allows bootloader to unlock easily. But there is also a company that does not allow bootloader to unlock so easily, especially if you have mi mobile For this, you have to wait for at least one week. Then the company unlocks the bootloader of your mobile. If you also want to root your mobile, then you too can unlock your mobile's bootloader and use the new feature. It also has an advantage, that if you unlock the bootloader of your mobile, then you can make your mobile according to your needs to a large extent.

Download files : 

Clover bootloader : Download 7 Zip : Download EasyUefi : Download

Procedure :

  1. Install 7zip file to extact the above files.
  2. Open Clover file with 7zip.
  3. In this , Open EFI Folder and copy the folder named as Clover.
  4. Now , now it's time to assign any letter to the system volume guys by default system volume.
  5. Open cmd and type diskpart and type list disk and hit enter type select disk 0 and hit enter now type list volume list vol.
  6. Note the System folder name. E.g - Volume 5
  7. Type sel vol 5 , and hit enter
  8. Now , type assign letter = X , and hit enter.

Copy files to System drive :

Open system drive using  Explorer++. Open efi now you need to paste the clover folder here first of all i recommend to take a backup of this efi folder in any case your bootloader is is corrupt then you can backup the folder restore the folder from here.

Guys , you need to watch the above video , to know how to instal clover bootloader in any windows pc .

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